Weather News
Wettest winter (Dec,Jan,Feb) recorded in 44 years of rain records.
It beat 2004 by 1mm.
The mean winter temp of 6.6C was the highest recorded in 35 years
of temp records although the mean max was beaten by
1998, 9.4c as against 9.5C
Warmest January ever recorded. Previous
warmest 1975 with a mean temp of 6.6C
against 2007 with 7.2C
It was the 4th wettest January in the last
35 years with 170% of average. The wind
blew from between south and west on all
but 4 days.
November was the warmest for 30 years apart from 1994 which was slightly warmer.
The autumn period of Sept, Oct and Nov was the warmest I have ever recorded and by a large margin. The mean temp was 2.5c above the 30 year average. The rainfall was slightly below average,and the year's rainfall is only 96% of the average for 11 months
Mean Oct temperature of 13.5c was the warmest in last 30 years apart from Oct 2001 (14.2C) which was warmer. Rainfall was was only 90% of average for Oct.
September was the warmest recorded since my records started 40 years ago. The mean temp was 0.7c above the previous record in 1999. Rainfall was near average so we have had 96% of our normal rain for the year to end Sept.
August was the wettest August since 1987 with 222% of the average August rainfall. That brings our total for the first 8 months of the year up to 97% of the average so we are returning to normal. August was cooler than average - the first month below average since March.
Up to the end of July we had had only 77% of the average for the first 7 months. But for the 18.9mm recorded on 31st July it would have been one of the three driest July's on record.
July was the warmest ever recorded with a mean temp of 19.3c compared to previous highest of 18.7c in 1983. In fact it was the hottest month I have ever recorded even beating Aug 1997 by 0.2c. .
For the year 2005 the temp was 0.5C above the 1971-2000 average and the rainfall was 114% of average.
Mean December temp was 0.5C below average and the rainfall was 96% of the average.
Apart from 2001, Oct05 was the warmest Oct for the last 30 years with the mean temp 2.6c above the average.The only months cooler than average were Feb, Aug and Dec
7th - 8th June was the coldest June night since 1991 with ground temp down to
Snow or sleet fell every day from 19th Feb to the 5th March, 15 consecutive days, probably a record for this time of year.
Last Winter (Dec04,Jan05,Feb05) was milder than normal. Mean temp 0.5C above the 30 year average.
Rain 147.7mm was 94% of the winter average and the driest since 1997. The wet Feb made up for the very dry Dec & Jan
August 2004 was the wettest month recorded in Buxton in the past 40 years. This is despite the first week being virtually dry. Previous wettest month was 154mm in Oct 1993. 10 days with thunder is also a record.
Last August (2003) we had only 5mm in the whole month.
June. Between the 18th and 23rd June we had 1 1/2 times the normal rainfall for the whole of June. On June 20th I recorded 20mm of rain in 15 minutes around 7pm. The total of 26.9mm was the heaviest one day fall since July 2003. However, on 21st, this was exceeded with 32mm in an hour around 4pm accompanied by hail (10mm diameter) and much thunder.
Feb 7th. Cold front passed through Buxton at 2200hrs producing rain, hail, snow, gustof 51mph and thunder.
Feb 4th was the warmest early Feb day recorded in 40 years.
January 2004 was the wettest since 1988 with 185% of our normal Jan rainfall. The winter period Dec,Jan & Feb 03/04 was the wettest winter in 40 years
5" of snow lay on Jan 29th. Norwich became gridlocked on the afternoon of 28th.
Older News
Annual rainfall was just above the normal yearly average so no drought here.
April 16th 2003 was the hottest April day in Buxton for over 40 years.
Jan 1st-2nd was coldest night (-10.7C) since 29/12/95 (-12.4C).
Despite this the period mid Jan to mid Feb 2002 was the warmest
recorded in Buxton in the last 30 years with the mean temp 4.5C above
average and is reported to be the warmest for 350 years over England.
In Oct, Nov & Dec 2002 300mm of rain fell which is nearly ½ our
normal yearly rainfall.
Buxton had 70% of the normal August rainfall in 5
hours on Aug 4th 2002, while 4 miles to the north there was none!
The 5 hours rainfall was from 8.00AM to 1:00pm. We got into one
of these "streets" of storms where they just keep generating themselves over
our area but it is astonishing that it could go on for so long and not
affect other areas so close to us. Calthorpe had 1mm while we had 37mm.
They were moving from east to west which is even more unusual.
A tree in Dudwick Park was struck by lightning around
6.30AM on Monday 3rd June. It was in the SE corner about 200 metres from the
Thatched Cottages and parts of the trunk were thrown 50 yards from it.
Rain - 2001 was the wettest year recorded in Buxton in the last
35years. The total of 896mm compares to the previous highest in 1993 of
2001 was 0.2C warmer than than the 30 year average. 9 of the last 12 years
have been warmer than the 30 year average.
Summer 2001 (June,July,August) was the wettest for over 30 years!
° 45' 12
° 17' 36
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Conversion factors F = 9C/5 +32 (temps)
0.01inch = .25mm (rain)
1inch Hg = 33.863 mb (pressure)
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