For information on the Post Office, see the
Between The Wars
In 1925 the Village hall was erected and it was opened in 1927. The land was given by Mr Simpson, and Margaret Sewell had the building erected. The terms of the Deed state that it is to be used by the inhabitants of Buxton as a place of recreation and social intercourse. It was to be run by a Committee and they were empowered to make lettings and look after its upkeep. 2 fundamental rules are laid down on the Deed of Foundation stating that no gambling shall be permitted and no alcohol consumed except with food. There was a fire in 1937 and it had to be largely rebuilt. There was another one in the 1950's put out by Mr Tom Catchpole before the fire brigade arrived but further rebuilding was required after this. The small Hall was added in the 1980's and there are currently plans for a Millennium project to add further facilities.
First formed in 1880's and
Philip Sewell
was its first Chairman. In 1899 the first County Council elections were held in Norfolk and Philip Sewell was elected alderman. The Parishes of Lammas and Buxton were amalgamated in 1935.
(Scout Hut) In Brook St opposite the Post Office.(see map) .The original building was a private laundry but in 1883
Mr Sewell
converted it into a reading room for men. It had a billiard table and newspapers and in 1936 had 23 members paying 2/6 per month. It was not much used after the war and was let to the Scouts for a number of years until it developed dry rot in 2000. It awaits redevelopment.